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What is Linux ? Why do we learn it ?

Linux an operating system or OS .It is the coommand line OS and if you want to ork on it you have to know the commands of it and trust it's not so hard and not so easy and if you practice daily you will rfind that Linux is so  easy .
Just you need to learn and peratice as practice makes a men perfect

Linux the operating system which is popular now a days and companies needed more because it is safe and and secure as compared to windows and you don't need to genuine and an anti virus for protection but here is change in the Linux story it is free to use and modify and there is no need to buy warranty of OS so it is more recommended by companies to use and they are using it and this is helping them to raise companies profit but as to work on Linux is not easy as much as windows so companies need an employee which can work on Linux easily and they pay them more as compared to an employee which cannot work on Linux .
So now a days people are learning Linux and i here to help you after many article on the C ++ and Windows now i am startingf our new series Linux so stay tuned for more .
This is intro and need to learn Linux .

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