So hey guys this is new one and we are back with another article about the difference between the two languages that is C and C + +and this is article is too short so don't be disappoint with this the next in the C+ + series is coming tomorrow .
So see that and you can see the C + + series also if you want . These are some basic differences only.
So let's get start..................................................................................................................................
So we goes pint by point.
* C is a procedural language where C+ + is object oriented language.
* C follows top to down approach where C + + down to up approach.
* C doesn't support function overloading where C + + supports function and operator overloading.
* In C you can declare variables only on the top the program where in C + + you can declare anywhere.
* C does not support the name space concept and C + + support the name space concept.
* In C + + we can use reference variable but not in the C.
* In C + + we can use name space concept but not in C.
* In C the file is save with the extension .c and the C + + with the extension .CPP .
* There is support of exception handling in C + + but not in the C ( Exceptions are the hard errors which can not be solved).
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